Linville Falls With Carrie

“As long as I live, I’ll hear waterfalls and birds and winds sing….and get as near to the heart of the world as I can.” - John Muir 

“In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect” - Alice Walker

The Story -

When Chris asked me to write about my favorite hike, it took me several days to choose only one. Living near the North Carolina mountains, there are so many beautiful areas to hike and explore. After some thought and looking back on photos of past hikes, Linville Falls was without a doubt my top choice.

Ok, I’m interested, tell me more -

Although I’ve hiked Linville Falls more times than I can count, my fondest memory was a hike during peak fall season last October. This would also be the first of many hikes with my new hiking buddy, Marley. It was an overcast day and I remember hoping that the rain would hold off just long enough to make our hike. It began to rain just as we arrived to the parking area. My luck! Regardless of the rain, I was ready and excited for our hike. After all, I do appreciate an occasional rainy day to wash away all the negative energy from the air. As luck would have it, less than three minutes into our hike the rain subsided. We were left with fallen leaves that looked as though they had been painted by the rain in subtle yellows, fiery reds, and bright oranges. There was still a heavy, dreamlike mist in the air. The temps had dropped to a comfortable sixty-one degrees. This was going to be a great hike. 

You had me at hello, Marley, rain, fiery reds and bright oranges -

As we entered the trail, we were greeted by the warmest yellows - It was almost as though the trees were inviting us in. Due to the rain, we almost had the trail entirely to ourselves, just Marley and me. They say that dogs tend to match your energy, and I can tell you that it’s entirely true with Marley. He was in his element. I could see that he enjoyed the smell of rain in the air and the sounds of nature just as much as I did. During our hike, we ran into a beautiful local horse, I wish I could remember his name. He was obviously used to being photographed, striking a pose for my camera, and even welcoming me to pet his nose. He was wet from the rain and was coated in beautiful burgundies and browns, it was magical.

Is this Heaven?

As we continued our hike, the air felt different and I could hear that we were getting closer to the falls. Once we arrived at Linville Falls, it was more beautiful than I remembered from all my previous hikes, with the waters rushing from the heavy rain the day before. And just as the trees had welcomed us at the start of the trail, so too now was the waterfall. In this place, at that moment, I felt a deep peace and calmness. My heart was full. I think Alice Walker knew what she was talking about when she wrote “In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect.” Some rocks surrounding the falls were jagged, some were smooth - all of them guiding the way for this beautiful waterfall, just as nature intended. The trees were distorted and bearing limbs as they had lost some of their leaves. Imperfectly perfect. They stood with such great purpose; always giving back what they took from nature - If we could all be more like those trees and give more than we receive.

Do good things have to end?

As we made the 1.6 mile hike back to the parking area, we stopped for a quick snack and a few more photos. It was a wonderful day on the trail and Marley and I were both ready for a well-deserved nap. Linville Falls will always be one of my favorite hikes, holding so many fond memories. I hope to always give to nature as it has given to me. May we all strive to be as welcoming and kind as those bright yellow trees, fiery red leaves and waterfall, taking on life just as those flowing waters, knowing that at the end of every long journey there’s a beautiful purpose.                                                                       


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a fabulous pair of shoes


Rock Creek Trail, Connector Trail and Spoon Branch Trail at Cedarock Park