Riverbluffs Trail at Hanging Rock State Park - Danbury, NC

People don’t notice whether it’s winter or summer when they’re happy.” – Anton Chekhov

“To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake it is necessary to stand out in the cold.” - Aristotle

The Story -

On Sunday morning Ginger, Alex, Sophie, and I hiked three miles on the cold and snowy Riverbluffs and Indian Creek Trails in Hanging Rock State Park. Both trails originate at the isolated Dan River access parking area of the park. Since this area is primarily used by boaters located far away from the main park facilities, there are very few hikers, even in the summertime.

You Almost Lost Me At Cold and Snowy -

I’ll admit it was bold and perhaps somewhat crazy of us to venture out with the temperature hovering around freezing, yet our adventurous spirit was determined to get outside. And despite the extra layers of clothing, snowy conditions, and the frigid temperature, we had an amazing time.

Spill The Tea -

The Riverbluffs Trail is a short but fun trail that takes you along a beautiful stretch of the Dan River with many picturesque shoals, rapids, and exposed cliffs. Walking on the snow-covered trail was refreshing, peaceful, and the snow added an aura of intrigue and excitement to our hike. The river water was crystal clear from all the recent snow-melt, ice cycles frozen in time formed on many of the flowing rapids, and trapped air bubbles were visible under large sheets of ice. It was truly magical.

Add Some “Snow” Cream and Sugar -

At just under two miles, the Riverbluffs Trail is a relatively short hike so we decided to continue on as far as we could on the nearby Indian Creek Trail. Due to the number of creek crossings, of which most were icy and frozen, we turned around rather quickly, making it a fleeting day on the trails, yet still worthwhile.

Wrap It Up -

The Riverbluffs Trail is an excellent reminder that trails do not have to be long in order to be fun and that short hikes should not be necessarily discounted just because of their length. Admittingly, the snow did add an unique element of excitement and special interest, yet I believe The Riverbluffs Trail would also be fun at anytime of year. Combine it with the longer Indian Creek Trail with its numerous creek crossings and two waterfalls and you have the makings of a wonderful day!

Maps -


The South Mountains State Park Trails - Connelly Springs, NC


Los Martires - The Florida Keys