Rock Castle Gorge Trail at Rocky Knob Recreation Area - Woolwine, VA

“It’s always further than it looks. It’s always taller than it looks. And it’s always harder than it looks.” - Reinhold Messner

“Do not walk backward in a cow pasture!” - Ginger Shields

“I tell you, it’s a never-ending uphill eleven-mile loop!” - Natalie Sanders

The Story -

On a very cold and crisp Sunday morning Ginger, Natalie, Sophie, and I hiked the strenuous yet stunning eleven-mile Rock Castle Gorge loop trail in Woolwine near Floyd in southern Virginia.

Are You Crazy or Just Plain Stupid? - Forrest Gump

With eleven miles of several steep seemingly never-ending climbs, freezing temperatures, and a somewhat slippery trail covered in a combination of snow, ice, mud, and leaves, the question posed to Forrest several times during the movie definitely applied to us on our hike on Sunday. Yet despite the length and the questionable trail conditions, it was an amazing day with generous rewards along with an incredible feeling of accomplishment at the end.

Rock Castle Gorge Loop Trail -

The iconic Rock Castle Gorge formed over 250 million years ago and its name is derived from the early European settlers who thought that a glistening six-sided colorless quartzite found in the area resembled castle turrets or towers from their homelands. Most, if not all, of the crystals, have been removed or destroyed over the years but some can still be seen if you look closely at the nearby Slate Mountain Presbyterian Church.

Spill The Tea -

The Rock Castle Gorge Trail has three trailheads, two of which are located high up on the ridgeline on the Blue Ridge Parkway with the third located deep inside the gorge at its lowest point, where the Rock Castle and Little Rock Castle Creeks merge near a primitive campsite.

We began our hike counterclockwise at the gorge’s lowest point, opting to tackle the most difficult part of the trail early, climbing almost 1200 feet in less than a mile. Our hearts were racing and our legs were burning. And to our dismay, the next five miles were also uphill, yet fortunately at a more gradual incline. The trail then turned downhill for several miles before flattening out for the last two miles.

Rock the Kasbah (Gorge) - The Clash

For those that complete the loop, the rewards are worthwhile and aplenty. Rock Castle Gorge Trail is one of the most diverse trails I have ever hiked, including many breathtaking views, grassy knobs, thick forests, cow pastures, creek crossings, whitewater rapids, wooden bridges, waterfalls, giant boulders, rock scrambles, stone ruins, and even an original still-standing homestead built in the 1800s. I guess you cover a lot of ground over eleven miles 😂 And while all these features were amazing and fulfilling, the highlights for me were the remarkable rock scrambles, hiking along the roaring rapids of Rock Castle Creek, and the overall sense of accomplishment and the feeling of achievement at the end.

Wrap It Up -

The Rock Creek Gorge Loop Trail is very difficult, and I recommend it only for experienced hikers or those in excellent physical condition. Others can still admire the gorge views from the two stops off the Blue Ridge Parkway and visit the campsite for creek and stream access.

Maps -


Bold Moon Preserve Trail - McLeansville, NC


Dupont State Park Waterfalls - Cedarwood, NC