Rough Ridge Overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway - Linville, NC

Say Yes, and you will figure it out afterwards” - Tina Fey

I’m a great believer that saying yes is a lot more fun than saying no” - Richard Branson

Bet you cannot say Rough Ridge three times really fast” - Chris Shields

Rough Ridge Overlook -

The top three things I look for in a hike -

  1. Water

  2. Solitude

  3. Physical Challenge

Note that I found NONE of these on our Sunday afternoon hike at Rough Ridge Overlook! There was only one small insignificant creek crossing at the beginning, people were everywhere and the hike was short and relatively easy. Yet despite not meeting any of my criteria for a favorite hike, Rough Ridge Overlook was truly REMARKABLE

Remarkable you say? How so? Well, the reason Rough Ridge Outlook was spectacular can be summed up in five words - VIEWS, VIEWS, AND MORE VIEWS (Technically only three words 🤔)

So How Did We Get Here? -

After a fun weekend visiting my daughters for Parents Weekend at Davidson College on Saturday and attending the Youth and Confirmation Day services at my church on Sunday morning, I was looking forward to a relaxing Sunday afternoon of watching football, a leisurely walk with Sophie and perhaps even a siesta. Yet somehow my plans for a lazy afternoon were derailed and I found myself in my car driving two hours west to hike the Rough Ridge Overlook off the Blue Ridge Parkway near Linville, NC.

Wait, What? How did that happen? I'll explain. -

I have been trying to be more of a “Yes Man” lately, and not to the Jim Carrey extreme we see in his movie of the same title (A movie worth watching BTW.) Yet I am sincerely trying to think about why I say no sometimes. I have found that most of the time, it’s not because I really don’t want to do something or try something new, but because I would rather not make the effort. It’s just easier to just say no without any logical or valid reason for saying so.

Thus when Ginger asked me if I wanted to hike Rough Ridge that afternoon just after the Panthers kicked off, my initial reaction was to say no. A two hours drive one way for a short and easy hike that most definitely would be extremely crowded this time of year? I love all things hiking and thank you for the offer, but no way….

Yet, after rethinking my answer, I found myself in the car with Sophie and Ginger headed to Rough Ridge. And like Richard Branson’s quote above, saying yes was a lot more fun than saying no!

Spill The Tea -

At a roundtrip distance of less than two miles, the Rough Ridge Overlook is simply one of the best, short-distance hikes in North Carolina. Scenic views are plentiful, stretching northwest to Grandfather Mountain’s Calloway Peak, west to the Linn Cove Viaduct, and south toward Linville Gorge and Beacon Heights. The terrain is rocky and jagged with abundant lush flora throughout the hike. About halfway up, the trail turns to wooden platforms, where you can walk out onto the rock face if you wish to do so. On the last leg of the trail, there is also a massive rock outcropping known as the "Lion King Rock,” a perfect spot for that insta-worthy photo op 😂 To sum it up, the Rough Ridge Overlook is definitely worth a visit, even if it will feel crowded like you are at the grocery hopelessly searching for bread, milk and toilet paper prior to an upcoming snow storm in the south.

The Rest Of The Story -

Two things came to my mind while thinking about our hike at Rough Ridge Overlook. I already alluded above to the first thing, that we should all try to think a little deeper about something before just saying no to it. Obviously there are times when we should and need to say no, but try giving yes a try sometimes on things you might normally say no to.

The second is the the idea that sometimes the hassles of life are worth it in the end. We all have inconveniences and struggles in life, and in my case Sunday they were minor - a long drive, a waterless, crowded, and short hike - yet if we can somehow persevere through them, big and/or small, it can lead to wonderful and meaningful experiences and hopefully a more fulfilling life.


Three Top Mountain - Creston, NC


The Purgatory Mountain Trails - Asheboro, NC