Three Top Mountain - Creston, NC

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. - Ecclesiastes 3:1

Remember that the only constant in life is change.” - Buddha

If an old man can do this, surely you can!” - Unnamed fellow hiker (not me) overheard yelling to his son (not Alex) whom we later learned was afraid of heights, to join his dad on the nearby ledge pictured above.

Three Top Mountain -

So you want to see the beautiful fall colors during peak season, yet don’t want to fight the crowds, the bumper-to-bumper traffic or the congested parking areas on the Blue Ridge Parkway or other popular locations this time of year? Then I have the perfect hike for you - Three Top Mountain in Creston, NC. Three Top Mountain is located in the North Carolina High Country in Ashe County north of Todd and just west of West Jefferson.

No Crowds Or Traffic and Easy Parking During Peak Season? Yeah Right, What’s The Catch? -

There really is not a catch, yet I imagine the fine print might include these three items -

  1. Three Top Mountain is a little off the beaten path and the drive to the trailhead can lead to motion sickness if you have a weak stomach. Yet if taken slowly, and perhaps with medication, the narrow, windy (and windy 😂) road to Three Top Mountain is a gorgeous drive in itself. The signage and gravel road to the trailhead were in surprisingly good shape and apparently recently updated based on some older reviews I’ve read.

  2. It is a moderate to strenuous rocky uphill two-mile one-way hike to the best views on the summit of Huckleberry Knob. There are plenty of places to stop, rest and catch your breath however along the trail if needed. Just be careful walking on the numerous loose rocks up and then down the trail.

  3. Three Top Mountain is located on game land managed by the NC Wildlife Resource Commission and it is hunting season in the area. We did hear an occasional gun shot in the distance and we were sure to wear bright colors (or at least some of us did). Note that I did not feel unsafe or threatened at any time and it’s a great reminder for fall and winter hikers to always take precautions during hunting season no matter the location.

Spill the Tea -

Three Top Mountain was the remote and isolated location I was hoping it would be. We only saw perhaps a dozen other hikers the whole day and the striking views did not disappoint. The hike to the summit of Three Top Mountain has four phases - starting out gently downhill through open woodlands, crossing several small streams and an unremarkable waterfall (that’s ok, I came for the views, not the water). After about a half-mile, the trail starts to get steep and rocky and continues this way until you reach a series of switchbacks. Then the trail narrows and flattens out before a final rock scramble to the jagged crags of Huckleberry Knob, offering gorgeous 360-degree views of the fall colors and the Amphibolite Mountains. (Amphibolite is an unusual calcium-rich rock rare in the southern Blue Ridge, more often found in the New England area).

Autumnus -

We are very fortunate in North Carolina and the southeast to have the chance to truly experience all of the four seasons and the change in the weather that each of the seasons bring, sometimes experiencing multiple seasons within the same week. The cooler and less humid weather lately has been a welcome respite from the scorching and sticky dog days of summer. And yet while I love the long endless days of sunshine, I look forward to crisp mornings with a cup of coffee, brisk evening walks wearing my fleece, and mostly not sweating the moment I walk outside.

Change and The Seasons Of Life -

Reflecting on the change in seasons on a deeper level, I’ve been thinking about how change in our lives, like the change of seasons, is inevitable. Change is often scary, not always welcome or wanted, yet change invariably happens, like it or not. People and relationships change. Jobs and careers change. Health and luck change. Everything changes. And while some changes or seasons happen or pass in the blink of an eye, others seem to last an eternity. I believe a lot of our anxiety and angst can be attributed to our attempts to fight and resist the changes in our lives. Yet recognizing that change is assured, it is and can be a wonderful and comforting reminder to know that if you are currently stuck in a rut, feeling hopeless, lonely, or are dealing with a difficult time in your life, it too shall pass. I think about the quote attributed to Winston Churchill and made into a country song by Rodney Atkins, “when going through hell, keep on going.” Eventually with the right mindset and acceptance, along with some effort to keep going, change can act as a catalyst for healing, improvement and a better life.


Company Mill Preserve Heritage Trail - Climax, NC


Rough Ridge Overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway - Linville, NC