Knight Brown Nature Preserve - Stokesdale, NC

“In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.” – Buddha

“Happiness is a journey, not a destination.” – Buddha

“One moment can change a day, one day can change a life and one life can change the world.” – Buddha

The Story -

On a breezy and cool Saturday afternoon, Ginger, my dog Sophie, and I hiked almost 4 miles on a combination of beautiful and surprisingly moderately difficult trails at the Knight Brown Nature Preserve (KBNP) in Stokesdale, NC, near Carolina Marina on Belews Lake. Established in 2014, the large and beautiful 189-acre KBNP was the first Piedmont Land Conservatory (PLC) preserve to open to the public after a donation of the land from longtime Stokes County resident Paul Knight and his partner, Cecilia Brown. Knight and Brown wanted to protect the land from future development and turned to PLC for help to ensure that future generations could enjoy the serenity and beauty of the area.

All Things Happy Place -

I have visited Knight Brown Nature Preserve many times over the years and it is one of my favorite places and hikes in the Triad. I am very fond of KBNR and have many wonderful memories of the area that I cherish. KBNR has almost four miles of easy to moderate hiking trails in a heavily forested valley with abundant hardwood trees, two peaceful babbling streams, many different types of ferns, spring wildflowers, and the rare eastern leatherwood shrub. Few places are as good as KNBR at as quickly escorting you from civilization, immersing one rapidly into God’s glorious creation. The two large splendid streams on the property feed into Belews Creek, just before it flows into the Dan River and they are several vernal pools that are prime breeding habitats for spotted salamanders and other amphibians as well. It truly is an all things happy place.

The Knight Brown Nature Preserve -

The Knight Brown Nature Preserve is a well-kept secret and while not hard to find, there are no directional signs or markers until once you arrive at the trailhead. Once there, you park in a cul-de-sac at the end of Waterfield Lane, with four trails very near the trailhead entrance. Unlike my other visits to KBNR where I didn’t see anyone else, I did cross a couple having a romantic moment on one of the many gorgeous hand-carved wooden benches, some kids looking for frogs, and even two unsuccessful mushroom hunters.

Spill The Tea -

The four trails at the Knight Brown Nature Preserve are the Beechwood Bottom, Creekside, Leatherwood Loop, and a recently added Poet's Walk. They are linked in a series of loops, giving hikers great flexibility in the amount they hike, from a little less than a mile to almost four. The KBNP has the feeling of being in the mountains, and with several moderate uphill climbs, your heart will beat faster providing an excellent workout.

Wrap It Up -

The Knight Brown Nature Preserve is a wonderful area and I’m sure it will appeal to almost everyone, especially families and those looking for a serene yet intriguing hike filled with special interest items. The generosity of Mr. Knight and Ms. Brown cannot be repaid and will be a benefit to our community and state for years to come.


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